
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hands2Help linky sunday!

Its linky Sunday over at Confessions of a fabric addict's blog for the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge. Today we are linking some of our favorite tutorials. They can be about quilting, food, or just a tutorial that we love.

One of my favorite tutorials is a hidden zipper for the back of a pillow. I have been using this a lot lately in the Pillow Pop SAL over at Threadbias. You can find the tutorial over at Wendy's blog

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hey all, did you see the Ethereal mosaic contest going on over at Stitched in color? Its being sponsored by Lark Cottons. The color pallet is based on lovely "Ethereal" pastels. Basically pick 12 fabrics from the Lark Cottons site that make you feel Ethereal, load them up to a mosaic (easily made by using the Mosaic Maker tool) and link them to the Stitched in color's website. Here is the Mosaic I made:

I chose a soft pallet of blues, creams, greys and corals. I am really loving this color combo right now!

Oh yeah and did I mention the prizes! The top 2 Mosaics will win a complete fat quarter set of their mosaic fabrics plus, Lark Cottens is going to create a bundle from the winners and make it available for other to buy. Sounds exciting to me!! So get on over and make up your mosaic by April 3rd (eastern time).

Happy Quilting!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


Hello all!!! Welcome to my blog. As I type this I wonder if this is how all the famous blogger's out there have started? I am also wondering what in the world am I going to say to a faceless group of people in virtual land? Will they even be interested? Will they notice the many spelling and grammar mistakes as I stumble along this scary process?

So as stated this is my online quilt journey. I am a what's called a "newbie" in the quilt world. I just recently learned that it is not considered a "clean" work environment to call "newbies", "newbies" or "rookies" and so on and so forth, it might hurt one's feelings.  UGH!!! All this feeling stuff, you can call me a "newbie" because that is what I am. I am proud of it and like many others who started out in "my" shoes, I too will someday not be the "newbie".

Any who I digress, so lets get on with my very first ever post:

I have decided to join the Triangle Quilt Along going on over at The Sassy Quilter. I am excited to get this started as it will be my very first triangle quilt. The QAL will last six weeks and be done in time for me to donate my quilt to the 2014 Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge. So as the saying goes: Two birds with one stone. If you want to join the QAL there is still time, signups close at midnight on 03/27/14. Hope to see you there!